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Lauren Pett is a chocolatier and the owner of Rich Chocolates & Candies in Chicago.

She was a Waffleizer backer from the start, although she did have two concerns:

1. She didn't own a waffle iron, and thus could not test any recipe she came up with, which led to concern No. 2 ...

2. The high probability of "comic meltiness" for her chosen recipe: s'moreffles.

"You come up with a recipe, I'll bring the waffle iron," I told her. "And don't worry about the comic meltiness."

A few weeks later I was at her doorstep with a waffle iron in a broken shopping bag. The bag had torn on the bus, and the waffle iron had fallen out. You don't really want to be that guy carrying a waffle iron on the bus, a point obvious enough from the start and then driven home as you watch it tumble out of the bag and onto the floor while you juggle your gloves, your transit pass and your dignity.

When I arrived at her kitchen, Lauren had already made the graham cracker dough. She rolled it and punched out a few squares.

She had already made the marshmallows, too.

Now, take a good look at these next photos. Because everything looks great — the graham cracker sandwiching the marshmallows and the chocolate, the dough settling between the ridges of the hot iron.

Three minutes later, it wasn't looking so great.

We spent the next 10 minutes scraping comic meltiness off the waffle iron and regrouping for the next attempt.

For the next try, we waffled the graham crackers separately.

Lauren lifted the waffles back onto the iron and carefully perched marshmallows and chocolate on the bottom layer.

This time, it worked.

She was kind enough to share the recipe. 

That's the next post.

* * * 

My thanks to Serious Eats, (with special love for the waffleburger), Unclutterer.comGlamour.com, BuzzFeedGapers Block and many other blogs and Twitterers for taking note of Waffleizer.

I appreciate it.