5 reasons to preorder "How to Instant Pot" + $1.99 ebook deal

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Preorder now

Now is the time to preorder my next book — "How to Instant Pot" — which is out next month. (If you need a primer on the Instant Pot phenomenon, this New York Times article does a decent job.)

Why preorder?

  1. Preordering How to Instant Pot means you won't miss out. (We can all remember the Great Will It Waffle? Shortage of 2015, right?)
  2. Get a jump on holiday shopping. We are racing toward the end of the year. Ordering How to Instant Pot now could mean checking a few people off the list early.
  3. Preordering means you get the book as soon as it's released, in some cases on the very day of its release — or even a little before.
  4. The sooner you get the book, the sooner you can start using your Instant Pot. (What? You don't have one? Let me help you with that.) I have heard from so many people whose Instant Pot is still in the box. Might I gently suggest that it's time to take it out of the box and get cooking? Let How to Instant Pot help you. 
  5. I'll be straightforward: It helps me out. It signals demand and tells bookstores that people want this book, which leads stores to stock and promote the book, which means more people can see and buy it, which means I can keep writing cookbooks.
Possible actual photo of people waiting in line to buy How to Instant Pot on the day of its release. Avoid lines! Preorder today.

Possible actual photo of people waiting in line to buy How to Instant Pot on the day of its release. Avoid lines! Preorder today.

Get in touch with your local bookstore or order online:

$1.99 for Kindle

$1.99 for Kindle

The ebook version of "Will It Waffle?" is on sale for $1.99 for a limited time:

  • Kindle
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  • Nook